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Cyber Risk Liability: Prevention & Protection

No cyber security plan can eliminate all liability risks. Fortunately, there are now insurance products that specifically cover cyber risks.

Cyber liability policies cover both third parties (your clients and vendors, for example) and first parties (your company). Specific policy provisions will differ with each insurance company offering such coverage, but they typically include:

1. Network and Data Security:

This covers damages to third parties due to compromised identity or financial information, privacy leaks, the transmission of computer viruses, blocked access or “denial of service” for authorized users, and failure to notify third parties of a security breach (where required by law). Many policies also cover paper documents as part of data security.

2. Electronic Media Liability:

This covers damages from personal injury, domain infringement, copyright violation, and similar claims due to information published on a company Website or via email or social media.

3. Security Breach Remediation and Notification Expense:

Costs covered include forensic and legal fees incurred to determine whose information was affected, the cost of notifying those parties, establishing a call center for third-party inquiries, and credit monitoring.

4. Computer Program and Electronic Data Restoration Expenses:

This coverage applies to expenses incurred to restore your data and equipment lost or damaged due to a computer virus, rogue employee theft, or hackers.

Fulcro Insurance: Cyber Risk Liability: Prevention & Protection

5. Computer and Fund Transfer Fraud: 

Policies cover your direct loss of funds, securities, or other property due to someone gaining unauthorized access to your computer system.

6. Extortion: 

This covers costs incurred due to a credible threat from a third party to destroy your data or computer system, disclose third-party information, etc.

7. Regulatory Defense Expenses: 

This coverage applies to any fines imposed as a result of your company violating government rules regarding identity protection and security of third-party information.

8. Public Relations Expenses: 

Such coverage offsets the cost you incur for PR services needed to mitigate negative publicity due to cyber liability.

9. Business Interruption and Extra Expense: 

This covers income lost and expenses incurred due to a disruption of your computer operations.

Again, each cyber liability policy will differ in terms of coverages and exclusions. Our insurance specialists are here to help you explore options and design a complete commercial, professional and cyber insurance package that meets your specific needs. Write to us here or call our offices at 787.725.5880 (Puerto Rico), 404.873.2536 (Georgia), 407.384.2201 (Florida), or 809.620.0000 (Dominican Republic) for a free consultation.


    Contact our insurance specialists for a free consultation